
The moon is marked by phases. Today we see a full moon, shining brightly, tomorrow we see half moon and the other day comes in the crescent. Whether full or crescent the moon still remains to be the moon. On its most little day, it still believes in becoming a full moon.

The moon teaches us that our lives are ones of phases. True to this one time Moses was an unwanted boy who had to be hid on the river banks. The next day he is a prince in the Pharoah’s court. The next day he is a fugitive at Midian Jethro’s place and lateron a liberation leader who flees hundreds of thousands.

Today I  may be in a crescent phase. Most likely only a quarter of me is being seen. This does not rule out that my day to being a full moon is coming. I may be reduced into nothing but what I am sure of my time to shine bright and in fullness is drawing closer and closer.

This may be that moment when I’m down financially , I accept to be in that phase for its only a short while and I’m getting to be full. To be seen by every one.  By the way have you ever noted, when the moon is full, it’s nomarlly less cloudy. The full moon is self assertive. It shines and pushes away the clouds.

That is how I am shining today and this week. It won’t be cloudy all through. I will not be hidden always. My day of self manifestation is drawing closer and closer. Therefore don’t  give up today because you feel that you are a quarter. Nooo! Just wait for when you’ll come to be full. Brighter, self asserting, easily located and lighting all over. LIFE IS ABOUT PHASES,  LOVE THE PHASE YOU ARE IN TODAY, AS YOU WARM UP TO YOUR FULLNESS.